др Снежана Б. Маринковић
Ознака [M]: вредновање научних резултата по типу
  • Dragaš J., Marinković S., Ignjatović I., Tošić N., Koković V. (2023) Flexural behaviour and ultimate bending capacity of high-volume fly ash reinforced concrete beams. Engineering Structures. 2771 (), pp.115446. [M21]
  • Marinković S., Josa I., Braymand S., Tošić N. (2023) Sustainability assessment of recycled aggregate concrete structures: A critical view on the current state-of-knowledge and practice. Structural Concrete. 24 (2), pp.1956-1979. [M22]
  • A. Radović, H. Hafez, N. Tošić, S. Marinković (2023) Multi-criteria assessment of reinforced limestone powder concrete slabs and columns. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2023). [M33]
  • Radović A., Hafez H., Tošić N., Marinković S., De La Fuente A. (2022) ECO2 framework assessment of limestone powder concrete slabs and columns. Journal of Building Engineering. 571 (), pp.104928. [M21a]
  • S. Filipović, S. Marinković, D. Zakić (2022) Environmental assessment of copper slag aggregate concrete. Building Materials and Structures. 65 (2), pp.57-63. [M24]
  • Tošić N., De La Fuente A., Marinković S. (2022) Deflection control of one-way reinforced recycled aggregate concrete members. Indian Concrete Journal. 96 (1), pp.42-48. [M53]
  • Marinković S., Carević V., Dragaš J. (2021) The role of service life in Life Cycle Assessment of concrete structures. Journal of Cleaner Production. 290 (), pp.125610. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.125610 [M21]
  • Josa I., Tošić N., Marinković S., De La Fuente A., Aguado A. (2021) Sustainability-oriented multi-criteria analysis of different continuous flight auger piles. Sustainability. 13 (14), pp.7552. [M22]
  • J. Dragaš, S. Marinković, V. Radonjanin (2021) Prediction models for high-volume fly ash concrete practical application: mechanical properties and experimental database. Building Materials and Structures. 64 (1), pp.19-43. [M24]
  • A. Radović, S. Marinković, A. Savić (2021) Compressive strength of green concrete with low cement and high filler content. Building Materials and Structures. 64 (2), pp.93-108. [M24]
  • Marinković S., Ignjatović I., Tošić N., Dragaš J., Carević V. (2021) Sustainable solutions for structural concrete research conducted by Belgrades Concrete Structures Research Group over the last decade. In: Proceedings of 15th International Scientific Conference iNDiS. [M31]
  • Marinković S. (2021) Concrete structures in the 21st century and further. In: Proceedings of the International Conference celebrating 175th Anniversary of the Faculty of Civil Engineering. [M31]
  • J. Dragaš, S. Marinković (2021) Experimental testing of high volume fly ash concrete structural application. In: Proceedings of ASES 2020 International Symposium. [M33]
  • A. Radović, S. Marinković, A. Savić (2021) Improving sustainability of structural concrete by application of limestone filler. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Renewable Electrical Power Sources, SMEITS. [M33]
  • K. Tešić, S. Marinković, A. Savić (2021) Uticaj zamene cementa krečnjačkim filerom na svojstva betona. In: Zbornik saopštenja Simpozijuma Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije 2020. [M63]
  • З. Марковић, С. Маринковић, М. Спремић (2021) Примена Еврокодова у светлу новог Правилника за грађевинске конструкције. In: Зборник радова Стручног скупа Грађевински материјали и конструкције са аспекта нове техничке регулативе у републици Србији. [M63]
  • Tošić N., Marinković S., Kurama Y. (2020) Improved serviceability and environmental performance of one-way slabs through the use of layered natural and recycled aggregate concrete. Sustainability. 12 (24), pp.1-22. [M22]
  • Ј. Драгаш, С. Маринковић, И. Игњатовић, В. Царевић (2020) Технолошки поступак производње зелених бетона са високим садржајем летећег пепела за примену у армиранобетонским конструкцијама. Technical report. Грађевински Факултет Универзитета у Београду. [M85]
  • И. Игњатовић, С. Маринковић, Н. Тошић, Ј. Драгаш (2020) Армиранобетонски конструкцијски бетони од зелених бетона на бази агрегата од рециклираног бетонског отпада: технологија производње бетона и усаглашавање са стандардима за конструкције. Technical report. Грађевински Факултет Универзитета у Београду. [M85]
  • С. Маринковић, А. Савић, К. Тешић, Ј. Драгаш, И. Игњатовић (2020) Технолошки поступак производње бетона са високим садржајем филера за примену у конструкцијама. Technical report. Грађевински Факултет Универзитета у Београду. [M85]
  • Marinković S., Carević V. (2019) Comparative studies of the life cycle analysis between conventional and recycled aggregate concrete. In: De Brito J. and Agrela F. (eds.) New Trends in Eco-Efficient and Recycled Concrete. Elsevier Ltd. Woodhead Publishing, pp.257-291. [M13]
  • Tošić N., De la Fuenete A., Marinković S. (2019) Creep of recycled aggregate concrete: Experimental database and creep prediction model according to the fib Model Code 2010. Construction and Building Materials. 195 (), pp.590-599. [M21a]
  • Tošić N., Marinković S., De Brito J. (2019) Deflection control for reinforced recycled aggregate concrete beams: Experimental database and extension of the fib Model Code 2010. Structural Concrete. 20 (6), pp.2015-2029. [M22]
  • N. Tošić, A. De La Fuente, S. Marinković (2019) Model code 2010 creep and shrinkage models extension to recycled aggregate concrete. In: Proceedings of the fib Symposium 2019: Concrete Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures. [M33]
  • Marinković S., Pecić N. (2018) Teorija betonskih konstrukcija. Akademska misao, Beograd. [MU]
  • Marinković S., Dragaš J. (2018) Fly ash. In: Siddique R., Cachim P. (eds.) Waste and Supplementary Cementitious Materials in Concrete-Characterisation, Properties, and Applications. Elsevier Ltd. Woodhead Publishing, pp.325-360. [M13]
  • Tošić, Nikola and Marinković, Snežana and Pecić, Nenad and Ignjatović, Ivan and Dragaš, Jelena (2018) Long-term behaviour of reinforced beams made with natural or recycled aggregate concrete and high-volume fly ash concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 176 (), pp.358-344. DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.05.002 [M21]
  • Tošić N., De la Fuenete A., Marinković S. (2018) Shrinkage of recycled aggregate concrete: experimental database and application of fib Model Code 2010. Materials and Structures. 51 (), pp.126. [M22]
  • N. Tošić, A. Radović, B. Šakić, S. Marinković (2018) Long-term deflections of green concrete beams: Analytical and numerical calculations. In: Proceedings of ASES 15th International Congress. [M33]
  • N. Tošić, S. Marinković, J. De Brito, N. Pecić, I. Ignjatović (2018) Long-term deflections of green concrete: testing at the material and structural level. In: Proceedings of ASES 15th International Congress. [M33]
  • N. Tošić, S. Marinković, I. Ignjatović, A. De La Fuente (2018) Deflections of reinforced concrete beams made with recycled and waste materials under sustained load: Experiment and fib Model code 2010 predictions. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE. [M33]
  • Marinković S. (2017) On the selection of the functional unit in LCA of structural concrete. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 22 (10), pp.1634-1636. [M21]
  • Marinković S., Dragaš J., Ignjatovic I., Tošić N. (2017) Environmental assessment of green concretes for structural use. Journal of Cleaner Production. 154 (), pp.633-349. [M21]
  • Ignjatovic I., Marinković S., Tošić N. (2017) Shear behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete beams with and without shear reinforcement. Engineering Structures. 141 (), pp.386-401. [M21]
  • G. Habert, S. Marinković, C. Brumaud, I. Ignjatović, J. Dragaš, N. Tošić (2017) Physical and Mechanical Properties of Recycled Concrete Aggregate Exposed to Natural and Accelerated Carbonation. In: Proceedings of XIV International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components. [M33]
  • A. Savić, S. Marinković, D. Jevtić, D. Zakić, M. Aškrabić (2017) Properties of Fresh Self-Compacting Concrete with Recycled Concrete Filler. In: Proceedings of the 1th International Conference on Construction Materials for Sustainable Future, CoMS_2017. [M33]
  • J. Dragaš, I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković, N. Tošić, I. Milićević (2017) High-volume fly ash concrete: Part 1: Mechanical properties and k-value concept. In: Proceedings of the 17th international symposium of MASE. [M33]
  • Tošić N., Marinković S., Ignjatović I., Bajat B. Pejović M. (2017) Experimental Setup for Measuring Long-Term Behavior of Green Reinforced Concrete Beams. In: In: FIB Symposium 2017 - High tech concrete: where technology and engineering meet. [M33]
  • Tošić, Nikola and Marinković, Snežana and Ignjatović, Ivan and Dragaš, Jelena and Carević, Vedran (2017) Shrinkage and creep of recycled aggregate concrete and high-volume fly ash concrete - experiment and comparison with models. In: . [M33]
  • Tošić N., Marinković S., Stojanović A. (2017) Sustainability of the Concrete Industry - Current Trends and Future Outlook. Technics - Our Civil Engineering. 71 (1), pp.38-44. [M51]
  • A. Савић, С. Маринковић, Д. Закић, А. Радевић, М. Ашкрабић (2017) Експериментално истраживање самозбијајућих бетона са минералним додатком индустријских нуспродуката. Грађевински календар. 49 () [M53]
  • А. Савић, Д. Јевтић, С. Маринковић, Т. Волков-Хусовић (2017) Истраживање својстава свежег и очврслог самозбијајућег бетона са минералним додацима на бази индустријских нуспродуката. In: Зборник саопштења конференције Савремена грађевинска пракса 2017. [M63]
  • И. Игњатовић, Н. Тошић, С. Маринковић, Ј. Драгаш (2017) Технолошки и економски аспект производње агрегата од рециклираног бетона у Србији. In: Зборник радова конференције Грађевински материјали у савременом градитељству. [M63]
  • Tošić N., Marinković S., Ignjatović I. (2016) A database on flexural and shear strength of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete beams and comparison to Eurocode 2 predictions. Construction and Building Materials. 2016 (127), pp.932-944. [M21a]
  • Dragaš J., Ignjatović I., Tošić N., Marinković S. (2016) Mechanical and time-dependent properties of high-volume fly ash concrete for structural use. Magazine of Concrete Research. 68 (12), pp.632-645. [M22]
  • Jelena Dragaš, Snežana Marinković (2016) Curing of High-volume fly ash concrete. In: Association of Structural Engineers of Serbia, symposium Zlatibor. [M33]
  • Marinković S., Habert G., Ignjatović I., Dragaš J., Tošić N., Brumaud C. (2016) Life cycle analysis of fly ash concrete with recycled concrete aggregate. In: Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Regional Conference. [M33]
  • Marinković S., Alendar V., Tošić N. (2016) Non-linear FEM in solving some ultimate limit states of reinforced concrete structures. In: Petronijević M., Stevanović B., Rakočević M. (eds.) Contemporary problems of theory of structures. University of Belgrade - Faculty of Civil Engineering and University of Montenegro - Faculty of Civil Engineering, pp.159-168. [M45]
  • Tošić N., Marinković S., Dašić T., Stanić M. (2015) Multicriteria optimization of natural and recycled aggregate concrete for structural use. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015 (87), pp.766-776. [M21]
  • S. Marinković, I. Ignjatović, J. Dragaš, N. Tošić, M. Nedeljković (2015) Experimental study of alkali activated fly ash concrete with fly ash from one Serbian power plant. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Structural Concrete. [M33]
  • I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković, N. Tošić (2015) Flexural performance of reinforced recycled aggregate and natural aggregate beams - experimental, analytical and numerical comparison. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Structural Concrete. [M33]
  • Marinković S.B., Malešev M., Ignjatović I. (2014) Life cycle assessment (LCA) of concrete using recycled concrete or natural aggregates. In: Pacheco-Torgal F. et al. (eds.) Eco-efficient construction and building materials. Woodhead Publishing Limited, pp.239-266. [M13]
  • J. Dragaš, S. Marinković, N. Tošić, I. Ignjatović (2014) Concrete based on alkali activated fly ash concrete from one power plant in Serbia. In: International conference on NonTraditional Cement and Concrete. [M33]
  • J. Dragaš, S. Marinković, I. Ignjatović, N. Tošić (2014) Properties of high-volume fly ash concrete and its role in sustainable development. In: Međunarodna konferencija Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu. [M33]
  • N. Tošić, S. Marinković (2014) Calibrating and validating a FE Model for Long-term Behavior of RC Beams. Tehnika-Naše građevinarstvo. 68 (3), pp.385-392. [M51]
  • J. Dragaš, N. Tošić, I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković (2014) Konstrukcijski betoni sa delimičnom ili potpunom zamenom cementa elektrofilterskim pepelom. Građevinski kalendar. 2014 (47), pp.91-130. [M52]
  • S. Marinković, D. Čekerevac (2014) Granična nosivost na probijanje ploča osiguranih moždanicima. In: Zbornik radova 14. Kongresa Društva građevinskih inženjera Srbije. [M63]
  • Marinković S.B., Radonjanin V.S, Ignjatović I.S. (2013) Life cycle assessment (LCA) of concrete made recycled aggregates (RAs). In: Pacheco-Torgal F. et al. (eds.) Handbook of recycled concrete and demolition waste. Woodhead Publishing Limited, pp.569-604. [M13]
  • Marinković S.B. (2013) Life cycle assessment aspects of concrete. In: Pacheco-Torgal F. et al. (eds.) Eco-efficient concrete. Woodhead Publishing Limited, pp.45-80. [M13]
  • Radonjanin V., Malešev M., Marinković, S., Saed Al Malty AE. (2013) Green recycled aggregate concrete. Construction and Building Materials. 2013 (47), pp.1503-1511. [M21]
  • Ignjatović I., Marinković S., Mišković Z., Savić A. (2013) Flexural behavior of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete beams under short-term loading. Materials and Structures. 46 (6), pp.1045-1059. [M21]
  • J. Dragaš, S. Marinković, Lj. Miličić, S. Marković, N. Tošić, I. Ignjatović (2013) Geopolimeri na bazi alkalno aktiviranog elektrofilterskog pepela kao novo vezivo u betonu. Izgradnja. 2013 (67), pp.359-366. [M51]
  • Marinković S.B., Ignjatović I.S., Radonjanin V.S, Malešev M.M. (2012) Recycled Aggregate Concrete for Structural Use-An Overview of Technologies, Properties and Applications. In: Fardis M.N. (eds.) Innovative Materials and Techniques in Concrete Construction. Springer Sciense+Business media B.V., pp.115-130. [M13]
  • S. Marinković (2012) Landfilling versus recycling of demolished concrete: environmental assessment. In: Zbornik radova Naučna konferencija: Planiranje, projektovanje, građenje i obnova graditeljstva, iNDiS. [M33]
  • I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković, A. Savić (2012) Projektovanje sastava betona sa agregatom od recikliranog betona. In: IV Internacionalni naučno-stručni skup Građevinarstvo nauka i praksa. [M33]
  • M. Malešev, V. Radonjanin, S. Marinković, A.E.S. Al Malty (2012) GRAC - green recycled aggregate concrete. In: Proceedings of The 14th International Conference and Exhibition: Structural Faults and Repairs - 2012. [M33]
  • M. Muravljov, D. Bajić, S. Marinković (2012) Razvoj i unapređenje nastave u oblasti betonskih konstrukcija u periodu 1910-2010. In: M. Aćić i S. Marinković (eds.) Sto godina nastave iz armiranog betona na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, 1910-2010. Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i Institut za materijale i konstrukcije, pp.49-74. [M44]
  • M. Aćić, S. Marinković (2012) Razvoj naučno-istraživačke delatnosti u oblasti betonskih konstrukcija u periodu 1910-2010. In: M. Aćić i S. Marinković (eds.) Sto godina nastave iz armiranog betona na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, 1910-2010. Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i Institut za materijale i konstrukcije, pp.75-142. [M44]
  • M. Aćić, S. Marinković (2012) 100 godina armiranog betona na Građevinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu. In: Zbornik saopštenja Simpozijuma Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije 2012. [M61]
  • I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković, Z. Mišković, A. Savić (2012) Eksperimentalno ispitivanje greda od betona na bazi recikliranog agragata pri savijanju. In: Zbornik saopštenja Simpozijuma Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije 2012. [M63]
  • Marinković S., Radonjanin V., Malešev M. (2011) Utilization of recycled Waste Concrete Aggregates in Structural Concrete. In: Nielsen C.L. (eds.) Recycling: Processes, Cost and Benefits. Nova Science Publishers Inc., pp.313-344. [M14]
  • I. Ignjatović, A. Savić, S. Marinković (2011) Analysis of modulus of elasticity determination in recycled aggregate concrete. In: Proceedings of the XXV Congress and International Symposium, DIMK Srbije. [M33]
  • S. Marinković, V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, I. Ignjatović (2011) Sustainable concrete construction: recycled aggregate concrete for structural use. In: Summary Report of the Cooperative Activities of the COST Action C25: Volume 1 Sustainability of Constructions - Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions. [M33]
  • N. Pecić, S. Marinković (2011) Design aspects of Eurocode 2 methods for deflection control. In: Proceedings of the International fib Symposium PRAGUE 2011: Concrete engineering for excellence and efficiency. [M33]
  • S. Marinković (2011) Environmental product declaration for building materials and products. In: Proceedings of the XXV Congress and International Symposium, DIMK Srbije. [M33]
  • M. Malešev, V. Radonjanin, S. Marinković, A.E. Saed Al Malty (2011) Effect of Mineral Admixtures on the Compressive Strength of Green Concrete with Coarse Recycled Aggregate. In: Proceedings of the International Conference: Sustainability of Constructions Towards a Better Built Environment. [M33]
  • S. Marinković, V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, I. Ignjatović (2011) Data sheet for recycled aggregate concrete. In: Summary Report of the Cooperative Activities of the COST Action C25: Volume 1 Sustainability of Constructions - Integrated Approach Towards Sustainable Constructions. [M33]
  • I. Ignjatović, Aleksandar Savić, S. Marinković (2011) Eksperimentalno ispitivanje betona od recikliranog agregata. Građevinski kalendar. 2011 (43), pp.103-145. [M53]
  • Marinković S., Radonjanin V., Malesev M., Ignjatovic I. (2010) Comparative environmental assessment of natural and recycled aggregate concrete. Waste Management. 30 (11), pp.2255-2264. [M21]
  • Marinković S., Koković V., Ignjatović I., Alendar V. (2010) Belgrade’s Delta City shopping mall - design and construction. Structural Concrete-Journal of the fib. 11 (1), pp.3-13. [M23]
  • Malešev M., Radonjanin V., Marinković S. (2010) Recycled Concrete as Aggregate for Structural Concrete Production. Sustainability. 2 (5), pp.1204-1225. [M51]
  • V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, S. Marinković (2010) Mogućnosti primene starog betona kao nove vrste agregata u savremenom građevinarstvu. Zaštita materijala. 51 (3), pp.178-188. [M53]
  • S. Marinković (2010) Naknadno prethodno napregnute ploče - savremeno rešenje za međuspratne konstrukcije. In: Zbornik radova Međunarodnog naučno-stručnog skupa Istraživanja, projekti i realizacije u graditeljstvu. [M63]
  • M. Aćić, S. Marinković, I. Ignjatović (2010) Savremeni koncept projektovanja armiranobetonskih konstrukcija prema zahtevima trajnosti. In: Zbornik radova Naučno-stručnog skupa Savremena teorija i praksa u graditeljstvu. [M63]
  • S. Marinković (2010) Ocena životnog ciklusa betonskih konstrukcija kao deo održivog građevinarstva. In: Zbornik radova Konferencije Savremena građevinska praksa 2010. [M63]
  • Д. Бајић, С. Маринковић (eds.) (2010) Зборник радова 13. Конгреса ДГКС. ДГКС [M66]
  • Aćić M., Pakvor A., Alendar V., Marinković S. (2009) Design and construction of the roof structure of the Belgrade Arena the new sports hall in Belgrade, National Report of Yugoslavia. In: Proceedings of the International Congress: Sport Facilities - Current Position and Perspectives SPOFA 09. [M31]
  • V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, S. Marinković (2009) Structural concrete with recycled aggregate concrete. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium of MASE. [M33]
  • S. Marinković, V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, I. Ignjatović (2009) Properties and environmental impact of recycled aggregate concrete for structural use. In: Proceedings of Seminar of COST action C25: Sustainability of Constructions-Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering. [M33]
  • H. Gervasio, L.S. Silva, S. Marinković, R. Blok (2009) Concrete Recycling in Life Cycle Assessment. In: Proceedings of Seminar of COST action C25: Sustainability of Constructions-Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering. [M33]
  • I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković (2009) Creep and shrinkage of recycled aggregate concrete. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium of MASE. [M33]
  • S. Marinković, V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, I. Ignjatović (2009) Environmental impact assessment of ready-mixed concrete production in Serbia. In: Proceedings of the International fib Symposium: Concrete 21st Century Super Hero. [M33]
  • I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković (2009) Mehaničke karakteristike betona na bazi recikliranog agregata. Materijali i konstrukcije. 2009 (1), pp.40-51. [M51]
  • S. Marinković, I. Ignjatović (2009) Ponašanje armiranobetonskih greda od betona na bazi recikliranog agregata pod kratkotrajnim opterećenjem. Materijali i konstrukcije. 2009 (1), pp.5-20. [M51]
  • S. Marinković, I. Ignjatović, A. Terzić, Lj. Pavlović (2009) Mikrostruktura i trajnost betona sa recikliranim agregatom. Izgradnja. 2009 (63), pp.523-533. [M52]
  • S. Marinković, V. Radonjanin. M. Malešev, I. Ignjatović (2009) Reciklirani agregat u konstrukcijskim betonima - tehnologija, svojstva, primena. Savremeno graditeljstvo. 2009 (2), pp.58-72. [M52]
  • S. Marinković, V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, I. Ignjatović (2009) Betoni na bazi recikliranog agregata - tehnologija, svojstva i primena. In: Zbornik radova Konferencije Graditeljstvo i održivi razvoj, DIMK i Građevinski fakultet u Beogradu. [M63]
  • С. Маринковић, В. Радоњанин (eds.) (2009) Зборник радова конференције Градитељство и одрживи развој. [M66]
  • Marinković S., Alendar V. (2008) Punching Failure Mechanism at Edge Columns of Post-tensioned Lift Slabs. Engineering structures. 2008 (30), pp.2752-2761. [M21]
  • S. Marinković, V. Radonjanin, M. Malešev, I. Lukić (2008) Life cycle Environmental Impact Assesment of Concrete. In: Proceedings of Seminar of COST action C25: Sustainability of Constructions-Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering. [M33]
  • S. Marinković, V. Alendar, V. Koković, I. Ignjatović (2008) Design and construction of Delta City shopping mall concrete structure in Belgrade. In: Proceedings of the International fib Symposium Tailor Made Concrete Structures-New Solutions for Our Society. [M34]
  • R.P. Borg, S. Marinković (2008) Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete. In: Proceedings of Seminar of COST action C25: Sustainability of Constructions-Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering. [M34]
  • S. Marinković, M. Aćić (2008) Granična nosivost pri probijanju montažnih prethodno napregnutih ploča u oblasti ivičnih stubova. In: Đ. Vuksanović (eds.) Monografija posvećena uspomeni na pokojnog akademika prof. dr. Milana Đurića. Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, pp.217-225. [M44]
  • I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković (2008) Projektovanje betonskih konstrukcija prema upotrebnom veku: Deo 2-Proračunski dokazi za različite deterioracione mehanizme. Materijali i konstrukcije. 2008 (1), pp.3-17. [M51]
  • С. Маринковић, И. Игњатовић (2008) Савремени концепт пројектовања и грађења бетонских конструкција. Грађевински календар. 40 (), pp.181-233. [M53]
  • S. Marinković, V. Alendar, I. Ignjatović, V. Koković (2008) Projektovanje i građenje konstrukcije objekta tržnog centra Delta City u Beogradu. In: Zbornik radova Konferencije Društva građevinskih inženjera i tehničara Novi Sad: Savremena građevinska praksa 2008. [M61]
  • S. Marinković (2008) Projektovanje betonskih konstrukcija s obzirom na njihov uticaj na životnu sredinu. In: Zbornik saopštenja Simpozijuma Društva građevinskih konstruktera Srbije 2008. [M61]
  • I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković (2008) Ponašanje pri savijanju greda od betona na bazi recikliranog agregata. In: Zbornik radova Simpozijuma DGKS. [M63]
  • D. Jevtić, S. Marinković, D. Zakić, A. Savić (2008) Primena recikliranog betona-korak ka održivom razvoju. In: Zbornik saopštenja Međunarodnog naučnog skupa. [M63]
  • V. Alendar, S. Marinković, V. Koković, I. Ignjatović (2008) Aseizmički koncept i analiza betonske konstrukcije trženog centra Delta City u Beogradu. In: Zbornik radova sa Prvog naučno-stručnog skupa Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija. [M63]
  • S. Marinković, I. Ignjatović (2008) Ponašanje pri smicanju greda od betona na bazi recikliranog agregata. In: Zbornik radova Simpozijuma o istraživanjima i primeni savremenih dostignuća u našem građevinarstvu u oblasti materijala i konstrukcija DIMK Srbije. [M63]
  • V. Alendar, S. Marinković, Z. Marković, D. Buđevac, M. Spremić, V. Koković, I. Ignjatović, M. Pavlović (2008) Projektovanje i građenje konstrukcije tržnog centra Delta City u Beogradu. In: Zbornik radova Simpozijuma DGKS. [M63]
  • Д. Бајић, С. Маринковић (eds.) (2008) Зборник радова Симпозијума ДГКС. [M66]
  • Malešev M., Radonjanin V., Marinković S. (2007) Recycled concrete as aggregate for producing structural concrete. In: Proceedings of the First Workshop COST action C25: Sustainability of Constructions-Integrated Approach to Life-time Structural Engineering. [M33]
  • I. Ignjatović, S. Marinković (2007) Projektovanje betonskih konstrukcija prema upotrebnom veku: Deo 1-Osnovni pojmovi trajnosti i pouzdanosti. Materijali i konstrukcije. 2007 (4), pp.3-15. [M51]
  • S. Marinković (2007) Granično stanje probijanja armiranobetonskih i prethodno napregnutih ploča. Građevinski kalendar. 2007 (39), pp.305-350. [M53]
  • Marinković S., Alendar V. (2006) Punching failure mechanisms at edge columns-experimental and numerical investigation. In: Proceedings of the 2nd fib Congress. [M33]
  • Ž. Perišić, S. Marinković (2006) Savremena dostignuća u oblasti betonskih konstrukcija-drugi kongres fib-a. In: Zbornik radova 12. Kongres JDGK, Knjiga 1. [M63]
  • D. Buđevac, V. Alendar, S. Marinković, Z. Marković, V. Koković, I. Ignjatović, M. Spremić, M. Pavlović (2006) Glavni izvođački projekat multifunkcionalnog tržnog centra u bloku 67, Novi Beograd Delta City. Technical report. . [M92]
  • Marinković S., Alendar V. (2005) Nonlinear finite element analysis of punching strength of lift slabs at edge columns. In: Proceedings of the fib Symposium Keep concrete attractive. [M33]
  • Marinković S., Ignjatović I. (2005) Punching shear design according to Eurocode prEN 1992-1-1 and former Yugoslav Codes. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium of MASE. [M33]
  • Marinković S. (2005) Prethodno napregnute betonske tavanice. Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu. [M41]
  • V. Alendar, S. Marinković (2003) Nonlinear FEM dynamic analysis of control building roof structure subject to blast loading. In: Proceedings of the 9th National and 3rd International scientific meeting iNDiS 2003, Planning, design, construction and renewal in the construction industry. [M33]
  • S. Marinković (2003) Eksperimentalno i numeričko ispitivanje granične nosivosti na probijanje montažnih prethodno napregnutih ploča. In: Zbornik radova Konferencije Društva građevinskih inženjera i tehničara Novi Sad: Savremena građevinska praksa 2003. [M61]
  • Ivković M. , Perišić Ž., Aćić M., Pakvor A., Alendar V., Marinković S. (2002) Externally prestressed roof structure of the new sports hall in Belgrade. In: Proceedings of the 1st fib Congress. [M33]
  • S. Marinković (2002) Granična nosivost pri probijanju montažnih prethodno napregnutih ploča u oblasti ivičnih stubova, dobitnik priznanja JDGK za najbolja ostvarenja u građevinskom konstrukterstvu iz oblasti nauke u 2000. i 2001. godini. In: Zbornik radova 11. Kongresa JDGK, Knjiga 1. [M63]
  • S. Marinković (2002) Prethodno napregnute tavanice-projektovanje i izvođenje. In: Zbornik radova XXII Kongres JUDIMK. [M63]
  • Marinković S. (2001) Granična nosivost pri probijanju montažnih prethodno napregnutih ploča u oblasti ivičnih stubova. PhD thesis. Građevinski fakultet Univerzitet u Beogradu. [M71]
  • Ivković M., Perišić Ž., Aćić M., Pakvor A., Alendar V., Marinković S., Dimitrijević Ž., Đoković M. (2001) Externally prestressed roof structure of the Belgrade Arena, the new sports hall in Belgrade. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium of MASE, Volume 1. [M31]
  • Marinković S., Aćić M. (2001) Punching shear strength of lift slabs at edge columns - experimental and numerical investigation. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium of MASE. [M33]
  • M.Ivković, Ž. Perišić, M. Aćić, A. Pakvor, V. Alendar, S. Marinković, Ž. Dimitrijević, M. Đoković, S. Formentunović, B. Tepavčević (2000) Konstrukcija sportske dvorane Beogradska arena u Novom Beogradu, dobitnik priznanja JDGK za najbolja ostvarenja u građevinskom konstrukterstvu iz oblasti projektovanja i izvođenja konstrukcija u 1998. i 1999.godini. In: Zbornik radova Simpozijuma JDGK, Knjiga 1. [M63]
  • M.Ivković, Ž. Perišić, M. Aćić, A. Pakvor, V. Alendar, S. Marinković (2000) Krovna konstrukcija sportske dvorane Beogradska arena u Novom Beogradu. In: Zbornik radova stručnog seminara: Beogradska arena- projektovanje i građenje. [M63]
  • Ž. Perišić, M. Aćić, V. Alendar, S. Marinković, Lj. Vlajić, V. Matović (2000) Ispitivanja i osmatranja kao podrška projektovanju i građenju krovne konstrukcije Beogradske arene. In: , Zbornik radova stručnog seminara: Beogradska arena- projektovanje i građenje. [M63]
  • Marinković S., Aćić M. (1999) Punching shear strength of post-tensioned lift slabs at edge columns. In: Proceedings of the fib Symposium 1999: Structural concrete-the bridge between people. [M33]
  • Slavica V., Ivković M., Perišić Ž., Alendar V., Marinković S., Dejanović V. (1998) Sports Hall in Herceg Novi. In: Structural Engineers World Congres SEWC ’98. [M33]
  • V. Slavica, Ž. Perišić, V. Alendar, S. Marinković, V. Dejanović (1998) Sportska dvorana u Herceg Novom. In: 10 Kongres JDGK, Knjiga K. [M63]
  • Ivković M., Perišić Ž., Aćić M., Pakvor A., Alendar V., Marinković S. (1997) Design and construction of the roof structure of the Belgrade Arena the new sports hall in Belgrade, National Report of Yugoslavia. In: Zbornik radova 19. Zborovanja gradbenih konstrukterjev. [M33]
  • S. Marinković, M. Aćić (1995) Proračun ploča direktno oslonjenih na stubove. In: Jugoslovensko savetovanje "Evrokodovi i Jugoslovensko građevinsko konstrukterstvo", Knjiga-Posebna izlaganja: EC2: Proračun betonskih konstrukcija. [M63]
  • Ivković M., Perišić Ž., Aćić M., Pakvor A., Alendar V., Marinković S. (1994) Design and construction of the new sports hall roof structure in Belgrade. In: IABSE Symposium Places of Assembly and Long-span Building Structures Report. [M33]
  • Ivković M., Perišić Ž., Aćić M., Pakvor A., Alendar V., Marinković S. (1994) Design and construction of the roof structure of the Belgrade Arena the new sports hall in Belgrade, National Report of Yugoslavia. In: XII FIP Congress. [M33]
  • Perišić Ž., Aćić M., Vlajić Lj., Alendar V., Marinković S. (1994) Testings and surveys in stage of constructing roof structure of new sports hall in Belgrade, National Report of Yugoslavia. In: XII FIP Congress. [M33]
  • Ž. Perišić, M. Aćić, A. Pakvor, V. Alendar, S. Marinković, Ž. Dimitrijević, M. Đoković (1994) Krovna konstrukcija nove Beogradske Arene. In: M. Aćić (eds.) Savremene betonske konstrukcije. Građevinski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, pp.219-233. [M44]
  • Ivković M., Perišić Ž., Aćić M., Pakvor A., Alendar V., Marinković S., Dimitrijević Ž., Đoković M. (1993) Design and construction of the new sports hall roof structure in Belgrade. In: Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering IABSE, Working Commission VIII. [M33]
  • S. Marinković, M. Aćić (1993) Prilog rešenju graničnog stanja probijanja armiranobetonskih ploča pri nesimetričnom opterećenju i/ili geometriji ploče. Izgradnja. 1993 (5), pp.10-16. [M52]
  • M. Ivković, Ž. Perišić, M. Aćić, V. Alendar, S. Marinković (1993) Računsko modeliranje i ispitivanje u fazi građenja krovne konstrukcije objekta Beogradska arena. In: Monografija Savetovanja. [M63]
  • S. Marinković, M. Aćić (1992) Granično stanje probijanja armiranobetonskih ploča pri simetričnoj geometriji i opterećenju ploča. Izgradnja. 1992 (7), pp.5-12. [M52]
  • S. Marinković (1992) Prilog rešenju problema granične nosivosti armiranobetonskih ploča na probijanje. In: Zbornik radova II Kongresa DGKS, Knjiga 1. [M63]
  • S. Marinković (1991) Proračun armiranobetonskih ploča direktno oslonjenih na stubove. In: (eds.) Beton i armirani beton prema BAB 87 Tom 2. Građevinska knjiga, pp.642-676. [M44]
  • S. Marinković, B. Milosavljević (1991) Koeficijenti za proračun krivine elemenata pravougaonog preseka izloženog složenom savijanju. In: (eds.) Beton i armirani beton prema BAB 87 Tom 2. Građevinska knjiga, pp.307-353. [M44]
  • S. Marinković, B. Milosavljević (1989) Koeficijenti za proračun krivine elemenata pravougaonog preseka izloženog složenom savijanju. In: Priručnik za Primenu Pravilnika BAB 87 o tehničkim normativima za beton i armirani beton JUDIMK i SDGKJ. [M63]
  • S. Marinković, B. Milosavljević (1989) Proračun krivine armiranobetonskih elemenata pravougaonog preseka primenom korekcionih koeficijenata. In: Simpozijum SDGKJ, Knjiga D1. [M63]
  • N. Mojsilović, S. Marinković (1989) Prilog proračunu tankih ploča opterećenih na savijanje. In: Simpozijum SDGKJ, Knjiga D1. [M63]
  • D. Bajić, S. Marinković (1988) Zbirka rešenih ispitnih zadataka iz betonskih konstrukcija - na Odseku za hidrotehniku. Naučna knjiga. [MU]
  • S. Marinković, M. Aćić (1988) Proračun pečurkastih ploča prema teoriji plastičnosti. In: Jugoslovensko savetovanje BAB 87, Knjiga 3 Prilozi učesnika. [M63]
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