Мост на Тари Авалски торањ Хидроелектрана Ђердап Мост Газела Пруга Београд-Бар Нови железнички мост у Београду Мост на Крки Арена Мост на Ади Прелив на брани Ровни Железничко-друмски мост преко Дунава у Новом Саду Конференција – Сто година новојулијанског календара

photo: Miroslava Durcatova

Đurđevića Tara, 1940

Avala Tower, 1965

Đerdap One, hydro power plant, 1970

photo: Predrag Mladenović

Gazela Bridge, 1970

Belgrade - Bar railway, 1976

photo: Predrag Mladenović

New railway bridge in Belgrade, 1979

Kopno - Krk bridge, 1980

Belgrade Arena, 2005

Ada bridge - Belgrade, 2012

photo: Faculty of Civil Engineering

Rovni Dam, 2017

photo: Andrej Antić

Railway and road bridge over Danube in Novi Sad, 2018

The third General Assembly of the Circ-Boost Project, in which the Faculty of Civil Engineering participates as one of the key partners, took place in Barcelona from June 27th to 28th, 2024. Prof. Dr Ivan Ignjatović, the leader of Work Package 3, presented the progress of this work package, as well ...
On Wednesday, July, 3, 2024. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade, Dušan Petković, MSc Geodesy, defended his PhD thesis: ...
International conference "Nature-Based Solutions for Water Security and Climate Adaptation" will be held on 3-5 July 2024, at the Metropol Hotel, Bulevar Kralja...
On July 1 and 2, 2024, RECONECT-General Assembly will be held at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. You can download the program of the General Assembly here. ....
On Friday, June, 14, 2024. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade, Nikola Obradović, MSc Civil Engineering, defended his PhD thesis: DEVELOPMENT OF “H...
Prof. Ivan D. Damnjanović, Texas University, United States of America, will hold a lecture: NEXT GEN PROJECT RISK MANAGEMENT Thursday, June 13, 2024, at 3:00...
On Friday, April, 12, 2024. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade, Ognjen Mijatović, MSc Civil Engineering, defended his PhD thesis: THE INFLUENCE OF ...
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