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The third General Assembly of the Circ-Boost Project, in which the Faculty of Civil Engineering participates as one of the key partners, took place in Barcelona from June 27th to 28th, 2024. Prof. Dr Ivan Ignjatović, the leader of Work Package 3, presented the progress of this work package, as well as the progress of Pilot 3, which is headed by the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade and aims to develop, test and demonstrate circular solutions in structural engineering through the construction of modular and demountable ground-floor building. Prof. Dr Zorana Petojević, the leader of Work Package 4, highlighted the progress and results of developing a cutting-edge 3D web-based circular economy map aimed at mapping the circularity potential of existing building stock and maximizing their utilization.

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The international conference "Nature-Based Solutions for Water Security and Climate Adaptation" was held on 3-5 July 2024, at Metropol Palace Hotel Belgrade.

The conference brought together academic communities and practitioners who exchanged information, experiences and research results on a variety of aspects concerning Nature-Based Solutions.

The Conference was organised by RECONECT network, a project financed by the European Commission ( The Conference was also supported by the International Water Association (IWA) and International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR).


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From June 9th to June 14th, 2024, the 16th International Conference on Urban Drainage (#ICUD2024) was held at the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft). During the conference, researchers from the Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering (University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering) had the opportunity to present their latest scientific results in the areas of urban drainage system modeling, development of measurement techniques for monitoring of urban drainage systems, and the application of nature-based solutions to reduce flood risk in urban areas. Additionally, they actively participated in working groups meetings and co-chaired several sessions during the conference.

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On Wednesday, July, 3, 2024. at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade, Dušan Petković, MSc Geodesy, defended his PhD thesis:


The members of the Commission were: Full professor Dragan Blagojević, Assistant professor Miljana Todorović, Dr. Aleksandra Kolarski (University of Belgrade, Institute of Physics).


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At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, 1-2 July 2024, 12th and last General Assembly of RECONECT was held. During the two-day work were presented the overall progress of the project, key results, conclusion, finalization and implementation of research activities, realized impacts at the local and national level during the last 6 years, as well as future impacts and implementation of project results in the field of application of nature based solutions in flood protection, drought, landslides and other hydrometeorological risks.



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