Department of mathematics, physics and descriptive geometry

Particle collisions. Geometry and symmetry
Particle collisions. Geometry and symmetry
general info
Ljiljana M. Brajović, Full professor
Anastasija B. Martinenko, Teaching assistant

Members of the department are involved in both  teaching and  scientific research in the following fields: mathematics, applied physics, electronics and descriptive geometry.


The department is organized into the following sub-departments


•       Sub-department of Mathematics

•       Sub-department of Physics

•       Sub-department of Descriptive Geometry


The department currently has 13 members: 5 associate professors, 4 assistant professors, 4 assistants.


Sub-department of Mathematics

The sub-department of Mathematics provides three courses within the first-degree academic studies programmes: Civil Engineering and Geodesy

•       Mathematics 1

•       Mathematics 2

•       Mathematics 3

and one course within the doctoral studies


•       Selected Topics of Mathematical Analysis 

Contemporary teaching strategies are used. There is a continuous evaluation of students’ progress. Tests and colloquiums are organized weekly.


Sub-department of Physics

Sub-department of Physics has 4 members and provides 7 courses within the undergraduate and master studies:


•       Technical Physics                        

•       Technical Physics 1                        

•       Technical Physics 2                         

•       Building Physics                        

•       Digital Signal Processing                 

•       Electronics in Geodesy


and 4 courses within the doctoral studies


•       Measurements of Non-Electrical Quantities in Civil Engineering

•       Contemporary Measurement Technologies in Geodesy

•       Thermal Modeling of  Buildings  

•       Physical principle of remote sensing in Geodesy

Courses include lectures, problem solving and laboratory exercises.  


Sub-department of Descriptive Geometry

Members of the Descriptive Geometry teaching staff are: Aleksandar Čučaković, Marija Obradović and Magdalena Dragović.


The sub-department of descriptive geometry provides four courses:


•       Descriptive Geometry

•       Computer Geometry




Courses are organized as lectures and exercises where specific geometry problems are solved. At the Computer Geometry exercises graphics software is used. The evaluation of students’ progress is performed continuously through exercise grading and colloquiums. 


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