Selected news

On October 25 and 26, 2021, the international conference "Civil Engineering 2021 - Achievements and Visions" was held in the Grand Hall of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA), as part of the celebration of the 175th Anniversary of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Belgrade.
The faculty organized the conference in cooperation with the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, under the support of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers. The conference was attended by professors from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and eminent world experts in the field of civil engineering, geodesy and geoinformatics, some of whom are also visiting professors at the University of Belgrade. In their works and presentations, the lecturers presented the latest achievements in these areas and development perspectives in the coming decades. The lectures were followed by an extraordinary academic discussion. The conference was attended live by over 100 participants, as well as over 50 participants via an online platform.
The opening ceremony was attended by the President and Vice President of SASA, members of the SASA’s Department of Technical Sciences of SASA, Rector of the University of Belgrade, President of the Serbian Chamber of Engineers, State Secretaries at the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, deans of the technical faculties of the University of Belgrade, as well as the civil engineering faculties from the country and the region, as well as many guests from the country and abroad.
The conference papers were published in the Proceedings, which will be distributed respecting the principles of the Open Science Platform.
Proceedings of the International Conference Civil Engineering 2021 - Achievements and Visions may be downloaded here.

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